Rich Vs. Poor

Is it right that the top 1% of the richest people in the world currently own 48% of the total wealth in the world? Personally, I do not think that is right. That amount has even been increasing and soon enough the top 1% will own more than half the total wealth in the world. The distribution of wealth with the remaining 52% is nowhere near evenly distributed as well. The top 20% of the wealth owners account for roughly 94.5% of the total wealth. The main problem with that is the fact only 5.5% of the total wealth is rich and poorowned by roughly 80% of the population. The average wealth per person for the bottom 80%? A measly $3,851 per adult! How are we supposed to fight global poverty when the wealth is so unevenly distributed? Most of the 1% does not care about the lower 80% and is not going to spend a good portion of their money to help other since they are fighting for the rich to have more and more tax breaks so they can keep more of their money. The United States alone borrowed over 1 TRILLION dollars, between the years 2001 to 2010, to give wealthy taxpayers (income over $250,000) significant tax breaks. Yet, the poor rarely gets shown that kind of tax breaks. The 80 richest people on Earth have the same total wealth as the lowest 3.5 Billion people. In order to break the poverty barrier we need the wealthy to help the poor.
Article Reference- CCN wealth inequality

Author: humans and media

College Student at Westminster College trying to explain data within society

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